Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012


Hubungan antara Filsafat, Etika dan Peranan Manusia
Filsafat adalah suatu ilmu dengan kajian yang tidak terbatas hanya pada fakta-fakta saja, melainkan jauh diluar fakta, yaitu sampai batas kemampuan logika manusia. (Budiharto:2008,1).filsafat juga merupakan bagian dari suatu ilmu pengetahuan yang dapat berfungsi sebagai interpretasi tentang hidup manusia. Sedangkan etika dapat dikatakan bagian dari filsafat yaitu filsafat moral (Irma Triasanti: http://irmatriasanti.blogspot.com). Filsafat moral merupakan cabang dari jenis filsafat tentang tindakan manusia. Etika adalah suatu ilmu yang membahas tentang tingkah laku manusia dilihat dari baik dan buruknya.(Imam Sukardi:2003,81).Tujuan etika dalam pandangan filsafat ialah mendapatkan ide yang sama bagi seluruh manusia disetiap waktu dan tempat tentang ukuran tingkah laku yang baik dan buruk sejauh yang dapat diketahui oleh akal pikiran manusia. (Olivia Udhiyyah: http://oliviaudhiyyah.blogspot.com) Manusia sebagai makhluk ciptaan Tuhan yang senantiasa hidup berdampingan dengan sesama tentunya harus memiliki etika agar tercipta keselarasan serta kententraman didalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Selain itu,manusia dalam kehidupan ini juga memiliki perananya masing-masing sehingga etika tersebut harus disesuaikan atau diterapkan sesuai dengan peranannya. Dalam hal ini akan membahas etika sebagai seorang mahasiswa yaitu senantiasa datang tepat waktu pada saat jam perkuliahan, tidak mencontek pada saat ujian, tidak melakukan pengrusakan alat-alat perkuliahan seperti mencorat-coret bangku, Kita hendaknya diam dan memperhatikan ketika dosen menjelaskan materi, bukannya sibuk melakukan percakapan sendiri dengan teman kita,dan masih bayak yang lainnya. Sedangkan etika sebagai seorang anak dalam sebuah keluarga yaitu sebagai seorang anak kita harus mendengarkan nasihat orang tua,senantiasa berpamitan ketika akan keluar rumah, membantu dan bergotong royong dalam melakukan perkerjaan rumah, selalu melibatkan diri dalam setiap acara yang diadakan keluarga agar selalu tercipta komunikasi yang aktif. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa etika yaitu merupakan suatu alat kontrol di dalam melakukan suatu tindakan serta berkaitan dalam pembentukan karakter seseorang. Sumber : Budiharto.2008.Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan dengan Contoh Bidang Ilmu Kesehatan Gigi.Jakarta:EGC Imam sukardi,dkk.2003.Pilar Islam bagi Pluralisme Modern.Solo:Tiga Serangkai Irma Triasanti.2012.Hubungan antara Etika, Filsafat, dan Ilmu Pengetahuan. http://irmatriasanti.blogspot.com. tgl: 14 Oktober 2012 Olivia Udhiyyah.2012.Tugas Wajib 1 Etika sebagai Tinjauan.http://oliviaudhiyyah.blogspot.com.tgl: 14 Oktober 2012

Selasa, 10 Juli 2012


1. Who(m) did you see at the party? Tell me who(m) you saw at the party.
2. Who came to the party? Tell me who came to the party.
3. Who(m) did helen talk to? Do you know who(m) helen talked to.
4. Who lives in that apartement? Do you know who lives in that apartement.
5. What happened? Tell me what happened.
6. What did he say? Tell me what he said.
7. What kind of car does Pat have? I can't remember what kind of car Pat has.
8. How old are their children? I can't ever remember how their children are old.
9. Why did you say that? I don't understand why you said that.
10. Where can I catch the bus? Could you please tell me where i can i catct the bus.
11. Who broke the window? Do you know who broke the window.
12. Who did Sara invite? I don't know who Sara invited.
13. How long has Ted been living here? Do you know how long Ted has been living here.
14. What time is flight 677 supposed to arrive? can you tell me what flight 677 is supposed to arrive.
15. Why is Yoko angry? Do you know why Yoko is angry.
  » Halaman 349
1. Who is he? I don't know who he is.
2. Who are they? I don't know who they are.
3. What is that? Do you know what that is.
4. What are those? Can you tell me what those are.
5. Whose book is that? I don't know whose that book is.
6. Whose book are those? Do you know whose those book are.
7. What is a wrench? Do you know what a wrench is.
8. Who is that woman? I wonder who that woman is.
9. What house is that? I wonder what that house is.
10. What is a clouse? Don't you know what a clouse is.
11. What is in that drawer? I don't know what is in the drawer.
12. Who is in that room? I don't know who is in the room.
13. Whose car is in the driveway? Do you know whose car is in the driveway.
14. Whose car is that? Do you know whose that car is.
15. What is on TV tonight? I wonder what is on TV tonight.
16. What is a carrot? Do you know what a carrot is.
17. Whose glasses are those? Could you tell me whose those glasses are.
18. Who am I? he doesn’t know who I am.
19. What’s at the end of the rainbow? The little girl wants to know what’s at the end of the rainbow.

Minggu, 29 April 2012

(Active- Pasive Voice)
1. Mr. Hopkins invited me to dinner.
» I was invited to dinner.
2. Thomas Edison inventoried the phonograph.
» The phonograph was inventoried by Thomas Edison
3. Water surrounds an island.
» An Island is surrounded by water
. 4. A maid will clean our hotel room.
» Our hotel room will be cleaned by a maid.
5. A plumber is going to fix the leaky faucet.
» The leaky faucet is going to be fixed by a plumber
6. A doctor has examined the sick child.
» The sick child has been examined by a doctor
7. The police arrested James Swan.
» James Swan was arrested by the police.
8. A large number of people speak Spanish.
» Spanish is spoken a large number by people
9. The secretary is going to answer the letter.
» The letter is going to be answered by the secretary.
10. The teacher’s explanation confuses Carlos.
» Carlos is confused by the teacher’s explanation
11. My mistake embarrassed me.
» I was embarrassed by my mistake
12. Helicopters fascinate the children.
» The children are fascinated by helicopters.
13. Shakespeare wrote hamlet.
» Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
14. This news will amaze you.
» I will be amazed by this news.
>> Assignment of Business English Part 3 (Passive Voice)
name :Arum Kusumawati
npm : 22209359
class : 3EB15

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

pasive tense

Simple Present
a. The teacher helps me I am helped by the teacher.
b. The teacher helps Jane Jane is helped by the teacher.
c. The teacher helps us we are helped by the teacher.

Present Perfect
a. The teacher has helped Joe Joe has been helped by the teacher.
b. The teacher has helps us we has been helped by the teacher.

Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

Let's dance together
